Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Any strategy to achieve World Evangelization that does not significantly employ Publishing is seriously defective. Published word lives on long after the spoken word is forgotten. Literature lasts. It is Permanent.

“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that Published it”- Psalms 68:11
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace… that publisheth salvation”
- Isaiah 52:7.


The Christian Publishing International started on the 25th September 1986 through Prophetic messages directed to the spirit of the Founder, Rev. David Kolawole Aremu by the Holy Ghost:
“I will require your service in the house of Prayer for you will write to teach my people how they can hear by my Spirit. I will perfect your ways and see you through. I will empower you by my Spirit to write greater things for my people to learn to do greater things by my Spirit. I will strengthen you by my Spirit. You shall do exploits in writing”.
I Cor 7:24 was given to me: “Brethren, let every man, where in he is called, therein abide with God”
The name used at first for the Ministry was THE HOPE OF GLORY PUBLICATIONS. The first publication was produce on stencils in October 1986 and titled “Hearing From God”. There was progress however that led to Printing and distribution of Tracts for the unsaved and Believer’s Digest for the edification of the Saints. There has to be a change of name in the year 1996 to CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING INTERNATIONAL when there came an expansion in vision of Publishing for other Christian Missions.


1. To preach the Gospel of Christ for Salvation of the unsaved and for edification of the Believers through Publications of Tracts, Bulletins, Magazines and Books.
2. To publish the gospel in different local languages in order to reach people in the rural areas with Christian Publications (so as to accomplish satisfactory outreach).
3. To Preach and Teach the word of God in Revival outreaches and Seminars.
4. Co-ordination of Publications for Christian Missions.
5. Christian Fellowship.


We believe…
(1)The Bible to be the inspired, infallible and authoritative word of God.
(2)That there is one God, externally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
(3)In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His sinless life, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal future return to this earth in power and in glory to rule for a thousand years.
(4)In the blessed hope, which is the rapture of the Church.
(5)That the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ.
(6)That regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
(7)That restitution is an essential injunction that must be carried out under the direction of the Holy Spirit as a sign of regenerated life.
(8)That the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the human body in answer to the prayer of faith.
(9)That the baptism of the Holy Spirit is given to believer who asks for it, with
diverse gifts.
(10)That everyone baptized in the Holy Spirit should develop his gifts and
ministries with a solid foundation in the Fruit of the Spirit.
(11)In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the
Christian is enabled to live holy life.
(12)That God can call both men and women, young and old into any
ministerial position He chooses.
(13)In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the former to everlasting
life in heaven and the latter to everlasting damnation in hell.


Christian Publishing International is being sponsored through Free Donations and Offerings from those who are of willing hearts. Tracts, Bulletins and Magazines as Believers Digest are never sold. Fixing a price will render the goal of Evangelism unfruitful remembering that publishing of Christian literature is a tool that helps to accomplish the mission of the gospel. Books produced are sold at relatively low prices to assist our publishing work.
Our Bank Account details in Nigeria:
Acct. NO: 0252142728515.
Acct. Name: Christian Publishing International.
From outside Nigeria, cash assistance can be sent through the Western Union money transfer to Christian Publishing International, Jebba. Let us be adequately informed in any case.


TEL: +234 8036121781, +234 8051109976.
cpi2009@live.com, cparemu@yahoo.com
Website: cpi-cpi.blogspot.com.


(a) Publishing The Light Bulletins and Believers’ Digest Magazines for free distribution in Nigeria as a way of edifying the believers.
(b) Printing and Distribution of Gospel Tracts in various languages: English and Yoruba sent to various locations for evangelism purpose.
(c) Revival and Seminar outreaches in various locations for Salvation, Teaching and Healing.
(d) Book publications on various topics to edify and teach believers
(e) Email publications (TELESCOPE) to as many as we could reach through email addresses.

Read carefully our ministry statement of appointment as a partner:
It was written about the Steward Brothers that founded the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, now known as Biola University. They started what has become the largest Gospel mission on earth, Union Rescue Mission. In addition, they decided to collect several articles defending the Christian faith. They put them together in a paperback series of 12 volumes called The Fundamental: a testimony to the Truth. They printed 3 million copies of that 12-volume set and circulated them free of charge to every single pastor, missionary, and Sunday school teacher in America. People who picked up the pen, and, in this case, those who published these authors made it possible.
The Bible says, “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it”. That is, the Lord gave the understanding of the word to a particular person, and great was the company of them that assisted to publish and proclaim it.
* You may not write for the world, but you can influence your world by encouraging those who pick up the pen to make a difference.
* Our goal as publishers is not publishing books that entertain people, but books and printed materials that bring about changes in thinking, values and attitudes. Materials that help people find Christ as the source of life, learn of Him and apply His teachings.
* Your acceptance to work along with us, as a partner, would make you occupy in this publishing task (till He comes) in various ways:
1. Praying along for effectual accomplishment of this publishing task.
2. Effective Distribution of our published materials where applicable.
3. Writing and submission of articles for publications.
4. Printing out of our messages in locations agreed upon for further distribution
5. Telling other people about CPI and inviting them to work along as Partners
6. Translation of our materials for further publications
7. Financial Support as the Lord enables you especially towards Tracts, Bulletins and Believers’ Digest Magazines that are printed and distributed free, and towards setting up of a Modern Publishing house and equipments in our Nigeria Headquarters office.
By your becoming a Partner, we would believe we are publishing the Word of God together even from your location. We wish you a Productive Publishing time with us.
We would like to receive your online response:
(Copy and paste into the compose area in your email box and send to: christianpubint@yahoo.com, or: cpi2009@live.com)
1. NAME: (Family name first): ---------------------------
2. Nationality: --------------------------------------------
3. E-mail address: ----------------------------------------
4. Postal address: ----------------------------------------
5. Your Denomination: -------------------------------
6. Work Status / Profession: --------------------------
7. Marital status: Sex: ----------
8. Brief comment about your interest in Christian publishing
9. Are you presently involved in Christian publishing work?
Yes / No
10. If Yes, How? ----------------------------------------
11. In what ways do you think you can partner with us:
12. A brief statement about your Christian life and activities:
13. Your Telephone number :
Any strategy to achieve World Evangelization that does
not significantly employ Publishing is seriously defective.
Published word lives on long after the spoken word is forgotten.

Literature lasts. It is Permanent.
“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that
Published it”- Psalms 68:11
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth
good tidings, that publisheth peace… that publisheth salvation”
- Isaiah 52:7.

Your comments for possible publication will inspire us to do more. Let us hear from you what the Lord is doing through our efforts.

Be a part of this publication effort in Prayers for God to use these words in the hearts of readers, and in assisting print editions of these messages financially for free distribution. Send us your comments for possible Publication. Inspire us to do more in reaching nations for Christ. Send to us or make a call: Our email: christianpubint@yahoo.com; Phone line: +2348036121781, 08051109976. Mail: P.O. Box 387, JEBBA (241002), KWARA STATE, NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA.

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