Believers’ Digest contains series of messages that can be copied
and use freely for edification of the body of Christ.
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ow one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped and fled after David. And Abiathar told David that Saul had killed the LORD's priests. So David said to Abiathar, "I knew that day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would surely tell Saul. I have caused the death of all the persons of your father's house. Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks my life seeks your life, but with me you shall be safe."- 1 Sam 22:20 –23.
When king Saul began to seek after David, he killed eighty-five priests in one day. Young Abiathar escaped and ran to David in his hiding away from Saul. David concluded with Abiathar: “stay with me, do not fear. For he who seeks my life seeks your life, but with me you shall be safe”.
The man Abiathar and all others that ran to David were safe from Saul who wanted to kill them, and they became valiant men. Abiathar and his son were established as priests in the priest’s office alongside with David when he became king and was fully established. Abiathar served as a priest even into the time of Solomon.
What do people become when they get into your church or come under you for spiritual nourishment, protection, safety etc? Do they run out to look for a better place of security or their situation become worse? Can you as a minister say to individuals in your church and act in that manner as well: “but with me you shall be safe”?
If you are not a minister, what about people living with you like your cousin, nephew younger brother, sister, or maidservant? Are they safe in your house from what is happening outside with those that are not in the faith? Can that young boy or girl say of you that you are a man / woman of God? What are the sayings about you? Or are they lying against you as they come and go one after the other and could not stay because of your reactions / attitude toward them? What of your children? What are they becoming living under your safety? Are they growing up in the Knowledge of Christ or are they growing up with worldliness? Remember Eli and his two sons who perish in one day. May God help us, Amen.
nd when they came to the region of the Jordan which is in the land of Canaan, the children of Reuben, the children of Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh built an altar there by the Jordan - a great impressive altar. Then “called the altar, WITNESS. For it is a witness between us that the Lord is God.”
-Joshua 22: 10 & 34
The two and a half tribes of Israel that settled at the region of Jordan built a WITNESS in form of an altar that is great and impressive. You don’t need to be told before you see it and wonder what a gigantic statue! They say it is a witness that the LORD is God in that area and not only in the other Israel territory. They meant that for their generations to come as well.
Have you any impressive altar in your life that you can call a WITNESS – proving that the LORD is God in your life? Can you pinpoint a thing that God has done in your life, a thing so significant that whenever you remember it, it makes you feel happy and grateful to Him always? That is a WITNESS between you and God that He is God indeed over your life. But remember, your WITNESS may not be my own WITNESS. Yours may be your precious baby given to you after several years of waiting; some others can be the way God delivered them from death in a traffic accident which they can never forget; while mine may be the way the Lord brought me out of the miry clay of sin into His marvelous light.
As a child of God, there must be a WITNESS between you and God that will always prove that the LORD is God. This WITNESS is there to make you stand firmly in faith and will keep you from turning back from following the LORD. There must be a WITNESS in your life that the LORD is God. Is there any?
ltar is used in the Old Testament era as a place of sacrifice, where animals were slaughtered and burned as offering to the LORD. There were also altars of incense where incense was burnt. Altars are physical structure for making sacrifices unto the Lord. It is a place of prayer, a place of communion with God. The patriarchs built altars and offered sacrifices without engaging any priest. They erected altars anywhere they got to, to worship the living God. It became their habit. They at time erected altars to commemorate some events in which they had dealings with God - example was Abraham at Moriah where he offered a ram instead of Isaac {Gen 12:6-8}. However, the Israelite used unlawful altars, and this always made them face God’s condemnations, which did not spare the prophets that ministered on such altars.
Altars can serve as a place of defense or a place of safety. Any one who ran to lay hold on the altar in the old testament time was saved from being kill {1 King 1:50}.
King David built an altar unto the Lord and burnt incense upon it to avert God’s punishment with plaque in Israel {1 Chr 21:18}.
Altars create awareness for worship. It makes people know the type of God one serves.
Do people see your altar of worship anywhere you are? In the office, market, even in your house? What type of altar do people see with you? Man / woman cannot do without an altar. It may be altar of jealousy of quarrelling, of adultery, drunkenness, fraud, etc or of true worship to God. That which men (and God) see often in you becomes your altar before God. God would only answer towards altars built for His sake. That was why He instructed Gideon to destroy the altar of Baal belonging to his father and for him to build God’s altar instead {Judges 6:25-26}.
Prophet Elijah had to repair God’s altar that was broken down and there upon proclaimed the name of the Lord for him to get fire down from heaven.
What kind of altar(s) are you building?
o unveil means to remove the veil or the covering; it means to reveal or to expose. The word Co-operative needs no explanation since it has become an household word, even in the remotest part of the country.
The Cooperative system of saving and borrowing money has become widely accepted by all and sundry - unbelievers and believers alike. With all that we have come to know about it and the popularity it has gained among salary earners and various categories of business / non-businessmen and women, we need to understand that any kind of co-operative system is an easy and organized way to a life of borrowing and a life of living in debt. With all the popularity and acceptability of co-operative, for us as Christians, this way of life is totally contrary to following the path of wisdom; it is also contrary to living by God’s word. Some one has said, He is both a fool and a knave (dishonest person) who has a shilling comes in and on the strength of it spend a pound which does not belong to him”. Most people embrace this way of life as an attempt to getting out of poverty; but the truth is that they get into living in debt, which happens to be the worst kind of poverty. This co-operative of a thing has also spread so fast in recent times and that of course is common to any thing that is evil: Anything evil spreads so fast.
A good number of us that will read this piece may feel offended. That is one of the great purposes of God’s word. Among other things, the word of God is meant to rebuke us; it is meant to correct us. The word of God is meant to make us realize what is wrong in our lives, to straighten us out and teach us to do what is right (2 Tim. 3: 15-17). It is sad to say that many of our pastors are also involved in one form of co-operative or the other and those that are not are not really preaching the truth that they know because they want to keep their membership. For this reason, God, in His great wisdom, is now raising pastors who don’t have their own ‘personal congregation’ so that He can use them freely and boldly to proclaim the undiluted truth of God’s unchanging word.
The Bible clearly forbids almost everything that is involved in co-operatives: -
1. Proverbs 22:7 says “the borrower is a servant to the lender”. Going into unnecessary debt means putting yourself in bondage. To be in bondage is obviously not the will of God for His children. “If the son shall set you free, you shall be free in deed” (John. 8:36). Somebody who is in debt is not truly free indeed.
2. Proverbs 22:26 also forbid being a guarantor for someone’s loan. It amounts to foolish self-confidence to guarantee that an individual will be able to pay his borrowed money within the stipulated time. Who tells you that the individual would keep his job / business until that time or that he would stay alive for all the period of the settlement of his loan? (See James 4:13-15). 3. Rom 13:8 says, “Owe no man anything”.
These are just a few of such scriptures that may be considered on this issue.
The involvement of a believer in any kind of co-operative (other than simple savings where you withdraw the amount you have saved or part of it at the time of your need) has a number of serious implications. Let’s just consider a few of them: -
(1) It amounts to setting one’s affections on earthy things and not on the heavenly. It means
our vision is vision of earthly things and not heavenly vision. Believers who go into co-
operatives whether in the place of work (this is not made compulsory anywhere), or the
community type, are all motivated by greed; they are motivated by materialism.
(2) Pride of life is another implication. People wanting to go into business for example do
not want to start small but in a big way. Job 8:7 says, “Though thy beginning was small,
yet thy latter end should greatly increase”. A lot of people feel except they have a
hundred thousand of naira and above they cannot start a business. Also, building a
personal house has been known to take people some five to ten years or more to complete.
But today we want to build our own house and complete it within the shortest time
possible. To show the world that you have the money (which is not actually yours at that
(3) It also implies keeping Jesus out of our finances. Thank God for those of us who pay our tithes (but how many people are still able to tithe the gross of their monthly salary after they have gone into cooperative borrowing?) The fact is that the Lordship of Jesus needs to prevail over the remaining 90%. When the bulk of your salary / income for the next one or two years have been spent through your cooperative borrowing, how can Jesus exercise His true Lordship over your financial life? Remember the tithe is just the minimum God requires from us but even ourselves and all that we possess belong to Him.
(4) It is also a manifestation of unbelief like the people of the world who have settled it that nothing tangible can be done in this world without going into cooperative. The testimony of the scriptures over and over is that all things are possible with God (Jeremiah 32:27, Mk 10:27) and to whosoever that believes (Mark 9:23). Unbelief, which the Bible regards as evil (Heb. 3:12) shows up in a believer’s life when his / her focus, value system and way of approach to getting things done is in no way different from that of the people of the world; we are called to be different. The true Christian life is a life of faith. A life of trusting, depending and waiting on God.
(5) Believers’ involvement in the typical cooperative we know today also amounts to running ahead of God. It definitely amounts to impatience. As Christians, we ought to know that the good things of this world are truly good when God provides them in His way and time. Life’s goodies enslave us when we demand them, and when we decide to go our own way to get them.
(6) It is not possible to claim that your life is truly free from covetousness, envy (among others) when you opt for a life of perpetual indebtedness involved in cooperatives. As true believers, this is not the kind of image we want to project about our lives. We are called to be good examples of the believers and ambassadors of Christ.
(7) When we are tempted to go into cooperatives, we are losing out in Satan’s battle for our hearts. The Bible says where your treasures are there will your heart be also. The devil uses his subtitle dense of deception seriously against our soul. He keeps us focusing on the good side of getting into big money so much so that we are not careful enough to consider the obvious evils and dangers that are involved. The same old trick he used in the Garden of Eden is still very effective today against careless and covetous Christians.
(8) Whenever we engage ourselves in anything that is contrary to the word of God, it means we don’t care about God’s blessings on our achievement at the end of the day. It is God’s blessing that makes rich and add no sorrow to it. If we can have an accurate statistics of troubles in the family that people have been involved in, because of cooperative borrowing, we will truly come to understand that this thing is a great deception from the pit of Hell – it never profits any one: profit that you can truly call a divine provision.
It is important therefore to sound this alarm that this increasing popular and ungodly lifestyle is nothing but the spirit of the last days on the move (2Tim. 3: 1,2). There is the need to take heed, the need to watch out. This cooperative of a thing may be the mark of the beast in the making (Rev.13: 16-18). Nobody really knows where this perpetual borrowing, living in dept, keeping common purse with others (like in some cases – having common purse with stark unbelievers and terrible sinners) that we call cooperative members today will land us with the passage of time. We have been warned and it is never too late to settle our accounts and indebtedness to this evil system and “Come out from among them and be separate” (2Cor. 6:17). “Truly these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men (and women) every where to repent (Acts17: 30).
O we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its heights, for the people had a mind to work”. Neh. 4:6
The work of God was done and completed because the people involved had “a mind to work”. They had minds (hearts) knit together as one to do the work of the Lord. The work of the Lord these days are not unitedly done to completion because the people had “mouths” to work. People with mouths to work can only boast of things that are not practicable and leave undone those things that should be done. Talks in meetings with no practical backings; Promises with no fulfillment; Boasting which keeps God’s work half way done or undone. If only we could have a mind for the work of the master rather than merely talking about it, it would make us excel in that which the Lord has made us to will and to do. Have a mind and not a mouth, for the work of the Lord.
ut the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits”- Dan. 11:32
In any generation from the time of Adam, it has always been those who know their God that do great exploits. It does not matter the number of days one spent, but the exploit one is able to do in knowing God.
The acceptable sacrifice of Abel was an exploit for it is on record that God accepted him and his offering despite his short life span. Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua etc did exploits amidst others in their generations because they knew their God: the God of Israel.
Today it is also those that know their God, the only true God, that will do exploit. Exploit in soaring higher than contemporary people in the same profession or whatever (even in ministry). It is only those that know their God in politics that shall make great exploits. Exploit: Not in accumulation of earthly materials, but standing out as one that knows God and has gotten a good name and has remarkable (godly) achievements. Exploits that touches other peoples lives; exploits that heaven knows about. It is only those that know their God that can be accredited with the Exploits: not triumphing in business or academics, but standing with God and winning victory for Him in this perverse generation. This is only possible if only you know God!
Your comments for possible publication will inspire us to do more. Let us hear from you what the Lord is doing through our efforts.
(A recent revelation to a brother: an excerpt)
had a revelation that the rapture has just taken place. And the Lord took me in the spirit to five churches: (1) A Predominant church of One tribe: I saw the pastors announcing that the Rapture has just taken place and that people should start receiving the mark right there in the Church that this will substitute the said beast mark and enable them to buy and sell. Brethren, what made me weep were the innocent and ignorant members that received this mark not knowing it was actually the mark of the Beast. The Lord then said, “These pastors are agents of the beast who have been ordained to mislead the people and who already have the Beast Mark before his manifestation”.
2. The Lord took me again to another church where the pastor were just speaking of the good things of the scripture and didn’t talk about the second coming of Christ, and not warning the people of the Wages of Sin. The irony of it was that all these pastor and their members were left behind.
3. Then I saw another church where people emphasize about the coming of the Lord, but all the people didn’t go as a result of hidden sins, which were known to man and which they didn’t take as sin. I wept bitterly because this was a church where holiness was professes to be held in high esteem.
4. I saw another church where people concentrated mainly on attacking demons and where the true word was also preached but the people also did not go due to malice and lack of spiritual concentration.
5. I saw yet another church where the people were actively involved in preaching the word and talking about the second coming. However, these people did not go. The whole lots were full of hypocrites with disguised clothes.
I was then taken back to the place where the multitudes had received the mark of the beast. Brethren, the people I saw made me weep uncontrollably: Prominent men of God in Nigeria, Christians and loved ones. I now asked the Lord, “why all these ones?” And God showed me different people and men of God saying, “This man was perfect with me until 2 hours ago. That other had a small portion of his heart released to the Devil. That other Brother was too occupied with the things of the world in terms of land and property acquisition that they took over his life That other, I gave him a mandate to pay a certain portion of money to the Church and he procrastinated it till now: Sin of disobedience. That other so much love his cheque book with him; I wonder what he can buy with the money now. Hope you know they are no more his own?” I wept because so many little things which we humans don’t count serious were counted serious by God. I cried with a confused voice, “Help us Lord!!!”
The Lord then said, “all these things, which have been happening on the earth, are all pointing to the end; but despite all, my people did not take heed. I am giving the last waning: Consecrate your heart to me my people, the trumpet would have been blown one hour ago but I pleaded with my Father. However I can plead no further. The trumpets are already in the mouths of the angels ready to be blown. So PREPARE YE THY WAYS OH MY PEOPLE. Tell my people to read Matthew 16:3 and warn all the ministers who have gone in the ways of Baal.
n the same hour the figures of a man’s hand appeared and wrote opposite the lamp stand on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace…And this is the interpretation of each word. MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it; TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting…”- Dan. 5:5-28.
There are writings on the walls today and yet it has not caught our attention. We did not give time to study and consider. The king of Daniel’s time got worried to know the meaning of what was written on the wall but the people of this present generation did not worry to know. That king got the interpretation from Daniel but he could not think of making amend or seeking God’s face for pardon. He perished that same day. May we also not perish.
All that we see around us even on the Television screen when an advert is displayed, showing nude pictures and so on, are writings on the wall showing us that this generation is found wanting in righteousness. What of our attitude towards the unsaved around us; do we care about their spiritual status?
Our good hymns have been broken down to pieces by the musicians / singers of nowadays. They mix those songs with various kinds of dancing and different cloth designs to make money as they produce song albums. Are these not telling us that our generation is tending towards the pit of hell? We must not be blindfolded. We need must discern correctly. Daniel lived with God’s Spirit in him, and that made him to understand and discern excellently what the writings on the wall meant. The God of Daniel has not changed and He is our God. We must be Daniels of our time.
Except our messages make impact in the lives of men, their offerings for the Lord would amount to a waste on their part, and a hindrance between us (that collects) and God. Daniel told the king “Let your gifts be for yourself and give your reward to another” -Daniel 5:17. Men of God of today are out to make business delivering God’s word. This is another writing on the wall that we of this generation use God’s name and attributes or gifts to trade and make gains. Men of God pursue rich men to get what they have. A perverse generation that we are! God has weighed us, and we are found waiting! These so-called rich people will perish like King Belshazzar. They must be brought to a point of discernment to know the good in serving the Lord and to prepare for heaven. Their wealth should not land them, (and you that collect selfishly from them), in hell.
Daniel did not seek for, or campaign for power and position. He was upgraded for his uprightness at that time. Why are people seeking for positions (political and so on) in this generation? Men / women of this generation are seeking for wealth by all means. Wealth that does not come from God can end a life in hell: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Mark 8:36. Gehazi tried it and failed; he was out of the chronicles of prophets with leprosy. It is better you don’t get that position than to ruin your soul with the wealth of the place.
Happenings around us every day claiming lives of unprepared souls are writings on the wall telling us to be prepared daily for the second coming of the master. How will He meet us?
The Church is found wanting because it is being weighed. We gather together to build Cathedrals instead of breaking up in to groups and spread out (Remember the Tower of Babel and the disciples in Jerusalem). The amount of tithes and offerings coming in will not allowed for releasing some members to establish a church in another place. Christ said, “Go and make the disciples of all nations.” Instead of the church “going”, it is sitting down to plan for church building extension and musical instrument accumulation. Even the Pastor would not want the church to break up for the sake of membership! The number of congregation member becomes a pride, then the regular Sunday income; so that the Pastor will not go hungry. The church is found wanting, so are the Pastors.
The Ministers of today are themselves found wanting. Messages of old leads to repentance. Remember the story of John the Baptist: even in the wilderness, people still search for him. But today it is the messages of prosperity in divers manner just to keep up membership because the pastor over there is preaching prosperity and his member increases. Not wanting to hear and to preach sound doctrine because of selfish desire are writings on the wall to which we must pay attention. The Holy Spirit is telling us expressly that in the latter times, in this our very generation, “some will depart from the faith given heed to deceiving (seducing) spirits and doctrines of demons…” - I Tim 4:1.
We must watch for writings on our walls and be ready to speak out for reprove and corrections.
aniel denied himself of the things that his contemporaries enjoy during his own time so that he will be able to please the Lord. Understanding of the time in which we are, and if we want to please our master, we must need to deny ourselves of many things that people of this generation cherish. Food and drinks and lots more are available and are inviting. Daniel denied himself of sinful rich food of the king and yet he did not become thinner.
Clothes and Style: why not deny yourself of some things so that you can spend on spreading the gospel? So many are doing so why not you? Let them nickname you; remember that your goal as Christian is difference from theirs. Let your goal be heavenly not earthly.
The type of Houses: style and version “Let your moderation be known unto all men the Lord is at hand (Phil. 4:5.). There are orphans and widows and people in need around you, their care would be demanded of you. It is not how magnificent your home is that will give you heavenly record but your caring for the poor and the wretched.
What of the type of Car? Which did you dream of having or changing to? What class of the society would you like to belong? Why not humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. Your moderation counts before heaven. Flashing things will pass away, but he who does or love the will of God abides forever (I John 2:17).
ne of our Hymns says, “yield not to temptation for yielding is sin…”
Temptation is bound to come our way freely without interruption but it takes the willingness of a man / woman to yield or not to yield.
“Let no one says when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God’; for God can not be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt any one. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full - grown, brings forth death” - James 1:13-15. Everyone is tempted when he / she is drawn away, enticed and baited by his / her own evil desire (lust and passions)
If you are familiar with, and always visit the Internet to browse for one thing or the other, you will notice that all forms of advertisement will flash across the screen as you search for what you need. Advert like “Do you want to work and live in the US?” “You Can win a car or whatever if you just make a click and gets into a competition” etc.
As well you will see postures of half naked ladies that may enticed you to make a click on them. Several of such will come your way as you continue your browsing or searching on the Internet. Their elegant charming postures can easily tempt one to make a click. Such a click will usher you in to an environment to view more half dressed ladies or those that are completely naked! Before you know what is happening you are already captured by their naked beauty.
It is not a sin to see the enticing advert at the top of your home page or at a corner as you keep browsing. The whole world is already in the hand of the devil to pollute (infiltrate with every evil sentiments) and squander. His aim is to get hell bound disciples; to entice people, get their hearts and end them up in hell. Hell is real my dear reader. The sin that one enjoys on earth is what will torment that person most in hell. If it is corruption with women, such a person will be ushered into a realm of “enjoyment” with “fire-made” ladies of hell. Not only will the souls of lost men and women be tormented eternally by literal fire, but they will also be tormented by the sins and vices that caused them to be lost. The Internet, as good as it is, can become one of the devil’s biggest trap doors leading directly into hell.
A preacher that had a view of Hell wrote: “The sin that took them to hell torments them continually throughout all eternity. The memory of those opportunities they had of being saved and how in vain they spent their precious time, torments them. The thoughts that might be of service to you on earth if you had heeded them, would turn to torment you in hell at last more than all the torment by whips of burning steel. The punishment of lost souls is directly related to the respective sins, which had occasioned their condemnation. The wages of sin is death – eternal separation from God in a place that God prepared for the devil and his angels and for all that follow the devil. Sin will be judged by eternal fire and torment.”
Are you a man or lady who so much enjoy viewing one attraction (sin) or the other on the Internet or in your daily life? Such an attraction or desire or longing (no matter the name you call if for it’s proper name is SIN) will welcome you to hell to cajole and punish you. You will agree that no one forces you to click on the picture that you don’t want to click on, but your inner desire or lust for such a scene always prompts you; You can say NO to such a longing and go straight to search for your main goal. Yield not to temptations. They are there to capture as many as would not want to a live a life of holiness and to lead them to Hell. When such action grows in you, it leads you into sin, and when sin is fully grown, it ends in death: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” - Rom 6:23.
Dear friend, if you are already captured in one sin or the other, let the Holy Spirit of God work in your heart unto repentance from sin that can lead you in to Hell. Accept the offer of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Tell God you are sorry. Plead for mercy and confess your sin to Him. Ask God to cleanse you by the blood of Jesus: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” - I John 1:9.
Call upon Jesus to save you and come in to your heart (life): “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” - Rom: 10:13.
MINISTRY is built on God ideas not good ideas.
Ministry uses good business practices but ministry is not a business.
n those days there was no King in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes”- Judge. 21:25.
*A building where you gather normally for less than 2 hours or a maximum of 3 hours with other religious people (who think like you) twice or thrice every week?
*A place where you watch passively for someone else (Pastor / Coordinator) to run the show or you just get emotional thrills via “praise and worship”, motivational speech… and you need only to contribute money (offering) for the show before you depart to continue your “normal” (sinful / worldly) life style?
*Where one becomes a faithful member with a minimum contribution of 10% (tithe) of personal earnings; synonymous to paying membership dues as social clubs / organizations?
*Somewhere that you are free to do anything you want and no body cares or question as long as you are religious?
*A place where church offices / positions are held through your wealth and status in the society?
*Where man-made laws (tradition of elders / doctrines / constitutions) overrules the scriptures without objections.
*A congregation where the founder literally tells you
that God is not the owner of the assembly, because the wife is the associate pastor, his child / friend is the treasurer / administrator and he always say “MY CHURCH, “MY MINISTRY”, “MY PROGRAMME’, where man is the coordinator not the HOLYSPIRIT?
* An assembly where your genuine hunger / thirst for God is translated to spiritual death, because you are fed with junks / poison which were sweet to taste (to hear) but of no spiritual value to grow in Christ likeness?
*A place where backbiting, gossip, slander and other sins are not dealt with, but a biblical observation of the system is a crime that can send you out of the congregation?
*Where there exists no familiar relationship with other members of the congregation beyond sharing the grace in fellowship after every meeting?
*A fractionized group where the rich befriend the rich, poor befriend the poor and pastoral favoritism is a function of material strength and personality?
*An assembly that encourages you to plug-in to the ‘beast system of selfish and greedy capitalism / materialism under the pretence of church system?
*A place where you are made to belief and feel self-righteous among other Christians, but in actual sense you are far from God?
*Where religious feasts, conventions, and income from celebrations and anniversaries are signs of progress or growth and not the real spiritual growth of members?
*Where ‘true’ soul winning is an abomination; if they go out for evangelism at all, they are out for fat cows (rich-men) that they can milk?
*A congregation where yielding to the Holy Spirit or biblical life is intimidated as it is seen as becoming fanatical or extreme and termed ‘old school’, ‘proud’, ‘holy-holy’, or ‘Mr./ Mrs. know all’, trouble maker’ etc?
*A place where greatness / fulfillment is measured by architectural piece or any other physical project, attendance and fatness of accounts and not by being heavenly or eternity bound?
*If this is the true picture of “your church” you need a rethink and repentance. Go back to the bible, study it and do what it says, or else when the Master (Jesus Christ, the builder of the real / true church) shall come, he will tell you “…I never knew you; depart from Me, you that work iniquity”- Mt. 7:23. It would by then be too late!
hen Saul said to his armor bearer, ‘Draw your sword, and thrust me through with it, lest these uncircumcised men come and abuse me’. But his armor bearer would not, for he was greatly afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword and fell on it”- I Chr., 10:4.
But verse 14 says “But he (Saul) did not inquire of the Lord; therefore He (God) killed him…”
Was it God who struck Saul with the sword? God must have ordered whatever happens to a man. God must have allowed it. Saul record was closed, and that battle was actually meant to cause his death. God allowed or maneuvered the arrow of the Archers to hit Saul just as the stone from David’s sling hit Goliath on the forehead where the helmet joint was located. Since the spirit of the devil (error) was already given to Saul, he only thought of killing himself. Remember, heaven (God) has written him off for death at that battle. He could not escape or postpone it.
May we not displease God and be condemned by heaven. As Long as God writes off a man, the slightest strike can kill him.
May God order our safety from calamities of this present time and order us to live within the scope of His blessings.
Your comments for possible publication will inspire us to do more. Let us hear from you what the Lord is doing through our efforts.
et the chief butter did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. Then it came to pass, at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh had a dream…”
- Geneses 40:23-41:1.
Joseph acted in righteousness in the case of Potiphar’s wife and that led him into prison. He was in the prison for sometimes before the servants of Pharaoh joined him. Pharaoh’s servant had dreams and Joseph interpreted them to him. The butter was restored but forgot Joseph in the prison. Remember that Joseph charged him not to forget him when he gets back to his position. But the man could not remember to speak of Joseph to Pharaoh. Two full years passed before God gave Pharaoh a dream without an interpreter in the Land. If it will be Pharaoh’s dream from heaven that will make the butter remember Joseph, why must the dream not come on time; rather than it being delayed for two full years? It was then, God’s appointed time came for Joseph to appear before Pharaoh.
Why should the matter take two full years? Surely God had hand in the life path of Joseph. God designed his ways because Joseph himself lived to please Him. But why did God allowed Joseph to spend so long a time in prison?
What are you demanding from God? For how long have you been following God to live as he pleases? Yet it seems as if he tarries to deliver, heal or safe you from one problem, hardship, needs or whatever? Joseph’s righteousness should have spoken for him before God and not allow him spend so long a time in the prison, but God had everything in control until the appointed time came.
Do not think you have been forgotten or that your righteous living is no longer to reckon with. God has timing for everything He allowed in our lives. The appointed time will soon come. He will answer your prayers; only keep trusting Him in righteousness. Joseph did not give up. He waited and he was taken out of prison to the throne from where he did not come down until his death. You shall be remembered one day; and that is very soon.
hen these men said, we shall not find any charge against this Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God” – Dan. 6:5.
The men of Daniel’s days could not find a charge against the righteous man except by the use of the law of God against the man-made Law of Medes and Persians. No sin was found in Daniel. He could neither be charged by the covetousness of wealth even in those days that Gold and Silver abounded nor could he be charged with luring with women. Joseph also could not be trapped by those vices. These young men held unto the Law of God and were not able to be charged against by “the sin which so easily ensnares” men.
What charges are been raised against you in your office or home, by your workmate or spouse? Are you easily ensnared into any of those Sins - wrath, cursing, even fighting, and coveting other people’s money / property, enticement by the opposite sex? Daniel could not be charged except by lying against him as he held unto the law of his God. If the charges against you are in line with your serving Christ - may be your time / days of fellowship or witnessing in your place of work or whatever that is in line with the scriptures to which the Holy Spirit can bear witness, then that is expected of you.
Any charges made against you in this way would not stand. Only do not be charged against as a sinner: “But even if you should suffer for righteousness sake, you are blessed. And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled” – I Peter 3:14.
or to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” – Philippians 1:21.
Apostle Paul by the impartation of God made it clear that our departure from this earthly vessel (body) into glory is a promotion. But the children of God do not desire that kind of promotion, why?
We aspire for promotion, for increase on wealth, improvement on health, business, for positions etc but not the promotion that will take us to heaven, which is death. No one desires death, but it is that, that can make us enter into the highest level of promotion, which is eternal rest with God.
If we could not desire that now, we should be thoughtful of it, for one day, this life will be taken away from us. We will then be compulsorily promoted to eternity.
ven though Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, as I live says the Lord God, they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only
themselves by their righteousness” – Ezekiel 14:20.
You cannot be saved, delivered or get healed by another man’s (be it an anointed minister’s) righteousness. You get what you want from God by your right standing with God. That is why many miracles on the revival grounds do not last. The prayer and fasting of the man of God would work to produce results but the lifestyle of the people determines the longevity of the miracle. Some lasts for a few days or weeks. Those that last for life are a product of the right standing of the beneficiary with God.
Miracles are not automatic. Your anointed and power packed Evangelist is not a yardstick for your divine deliverance, healing, breakthrough, promotion or salvation. God works in line with your personal (right) standing with Him.
hen a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet
has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him” – Deut. 18:22.
So many prophets pervade the church of Christ these days. Some put on the title and generally they speak as if to make you believe that their messages are from God.
The bible makes it clear that those prophets that speak in the name of the LORD and their messages do not come to pass, are not sent by God. But even though the title “prophet” is not attached to the name of a man or woman and such a one speaks and those words came to pass (or stand), God has sent such a person.
Do not attach a title to your self but allow your God given messages to find for you a name.
MINISTRY: The primary motivation in ministry is not aspiration; it is action - the action of obeying two words spoken by Jesus to each of us, “Follow me”.
o Samuel said: Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better
than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams”- I Samuel 15:22.
Our salvation experience is a great thing in our lives. The born again experience is what really qualifies us for heaven. It is our obedience to the word of God and living by the word of God that will help us to enjoy the best of God here in our earthly existence.
Obedience to the word of God is very important. God places high premium on a life of obedience to his word. People of God are missing out of the best of what God can do in their lives because there in serious negligence in the area of obedience to the unbendable standard of God’s word. All the great men in the bible lived a life of obedience. They follow God’s instructions for their lives and were tremendously blessed for doing so. The Bible recorded about Moses in Exodus 40: 16: “Thus Moses did; according to all that the LORD had commanded him, so he did” What we see in this scripture characterized the life of Moses and his walk with God. Wherever Moses is found in the scriptures, he is seen doing everything according to God’s instruction. This attracted great favor of God to his life. At the end of his life, the bible recorded that, “Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eye were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished”- Deut. 34:7” Moses lived long and enjoyed perfect soundness in his physical body throughout his life time; it was a life of obedience to God’s instructions that helped him. When you are faithful to God and his word, God deals with you in a special way.
One of the unmistakable instructions in God’s word is that we should be holy. God said in the bible “Be holy, for I am holy” (I peter 1:16). Today people don’t want to live holy life. That is why Christians travel far and near seeking for miracles. Miracles are scare today because holiness is scare. Where holiness is common, miracle is common. Where there is obedience to the word of God miracle of provision, healing, deliverance, divine preservation will be a very common thing. In James 1:25 the bible has this to say “But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does”. Obedience is the path to blessing; let us commit ourselves to living by God’s word and come out of every form of compromising Christian living and it shall be well with us. “But this is what I commanded them, saying ‘obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you”- Jeremiah 7:23.
Total commitment of our lives to living in obedience to the word of God, (not just going to the church and hearing powerful sermons, not just reading the Bible and having our head filled with doctrines) will bring God’s unlimited blessings into our lives.
f you should say in your heart, these nations are greater than I, how can I dispossess them? You shall not be afraid of them, but you shall remember well what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt. The great trials which your eyes saw, the signs and the wonder the mighty hand and the outstretched arm, by which the Lord your God brought you out. So shall the Lord your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid”- Deut. 7:17-19.
Are you faced with any calamity that terrifies you? Have you ever got over a problem like the one before you now? Can you remember when the Lord delivered you from a happening that terrified you some time ago? Casting back your mind to remember how you were delivered from past catastrophes will raise your faith towards God and make you trust in Him for your deliverance from present predicament. The Lord is still there; He has not changed and can never change. Amen.
11.20 ARK OF GOD
ut unto the sons of kohath he gave none because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders” – Number 7:9.
The service of the sanctuary, especially when the ark of God was to be carried, must be borne upon the shoulders of the priests. The Levitical tribes of Gershonites and Merarites had wagons and oxen (cattle) allotted to them according to their services; but the Kohathites that had the most sacred carriage, had no wagons at all, because they were to carry their changes upon their shoulders with a particular care and reverence.
God’s services must be carried upon our shoulders, and not to be handled with our mere hands or with levity. The impact of burden on shoulders is felt more than that carried by the hands. The devil knows this secret and lays burden upon shoulders of men, so that men would be too alternatively preoccupied with satanic yokes and burden than to carry God’s burden on their shoulders. That is why God said in Isaiah 10: 27 that “…his burden will be taken away from your shoulders, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed …”
God’s services must be felt by us if we really want to bear His burden. God’s services must be felt on our lives: there must be a mark to show for it. Denying one self from bearing the mark of the gospel amounts to refusing to bear God’s yoke of service on the shoulder. Your financial account must get the mark of bearing God’s errand. Even if your health is affected, it worth it. The impact of the gospel must be felt on your daily and business satisfactions. All your entire life must feel the impact of God’s yoke of service if really you are bearing it upon your shoulders.
Remember Uzzah who touched the ark, which was carried on a cart (wagon of oxen) instead of on his shoulder. The oxen stumble and uzzah stretched forth his hand to support (bearing the service on his hands) but was smitten by God.
God’s work or service must be carried on the shoulders of our lives. May the Lord help us.
Your comments for possible publication will inspire us to do more. Let us hear from you what the Lord is doing through our efforts.
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