Believers’ Digest contains series of messages that can be copied
and use freely for edification of the body of Christ.
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od’s intention at the beginning was to have every first male child of the Israelites to minister before Him: to link up men with God; to be God’s mouth piece yea, His servants. At a time, Israel sinned and God decided to wipe them out. But for the intervention of Moses and the willingness of the tribe of Levi to stand for God at such a time of His wrath, God replaced every first-born son of Israel by the tribe of Levi to minister before Him. That was the order in the Old Testament (Ex. Chp. 32). In the New Testament up till now, God chooses “Levites”. Levites now are “those who are called according to His Purpose” Rom. 8:28. Those whom God called out of their clan or tribe, out of their vocation or duty, out of their lifestyle / practices of their colleagues, etc. Jesus started this by calling the disciples (Peter, Matthew, Andrew, etc) one after the other to follow him and become “fishers of men.” The choice was not based on tribal sentiments, educational qualification or status in the society but rather by God’s design. Some asked Jesus if they also can follow him, but He told them there was no need (since those ones were not called according to God’s purpose): “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests”- Matt. 8:20. He called out his disciples from their various occupations: Fishermen, Tax collector etc. The Bible recorded that they left all they had including their parents and followed Him (Mt. 4:22). Following Him to wherever He went and abiding there with Him. We were not told they went back to their various homes to go for a duty a number of days in a week. They left ALL and follow Christ.
That action made Peter to query Jesus: “We left all and follow you; what shall be our reward”? Then Jesus unfolded benefits to be enjoyed by those that are “the called according to his purpose”. They have left all, and they shall receive back hundred folds of all they left behind: “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundred fold, and inherit eternal life”- Mt. 19:29.
God’s order for the Levites (the called ones) is that they shall have no part or inheritance among the people for the Lord is their inheritance. They are to eat the offering presented to the LORD out of what they had – Deut. 18:1-5.
God’s order in the Old and New Testaments for the Levites, the called ones, is that they have no other business doing but the work of the master: to minister before God and men. They also are to be fed through the supplies of the people. They are not to be left hungry or uncattered for. They are not to struggle for their daily needs or for a particular inheritance: house, car etc. Those things they need in life for their families to survive are designed to come from the supplies of the people they minister unto, who are engaged in one vocation or the other. That was God’s order and it has not changed.
Regrettably the reverse is happening today. Many of our so-called ministers (Levites) are struggling for positions in their professional fields. They seek for jobs and struggle for promotion and all other benefit just as their church members do. For most have taken the pastoral work as a secondary duty, and ended up in the church to minister. Are they not actually called or do the people, the church, not feed them? Men have tried to reorder the order of God to place ministers on monthly salaries that cannot be compared to those of the church member in high positions. Instead of the “called ones” to go about borrowing as to meet demands of the time, they opted for businesses and other jobs. All that are to be given to men of God are measured out of the supply that comes into the church. No church gives to the minister all the offerings, tithes or special offerings made by the people. The church committee does deliberate upon those things for some other purposes. Only a small fragment goes to “the called ones” who gathered the people by prayers and ministers to them as directed by God.
God has never change his order. He still proves Himself in the lives of “the called ones” that actually leave everything they had: business or profession. God is still God as men proves to be men. Only let him that is called give off ALL! Let him not struggle for work elsewhere or keep late in business. Let him remember that God said: “the Lord is their inheritance” God is still God and has not changed even in this present time. Let the called ones realize that if actually God had called them out of a particular job / business to be “fishers of men”, God will watch them if they also are ready to hands off and look unto Him who has called them. If not, they will continue to struggle for everything of life just as their members do struggle. Even they will struggle for good health if care is not taken. Faith is required by the called ones to follow even when the future looks dark “for he who comes to God must believed that he is, and that he is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him” – Heb.11: 6. God rewards those called ones who diligently follow Him to fulfill the purpose of their callings. Let men be men, God will also be God - unchanged and an excellent rewarder.
The writer of this piece was called over ten years ago out of business and government job. The wife lost her job at the same time to the folding up of a company she worked with. The man of God never received a salary from the performance of his ministerial duties even though he was ordained by a denomination. God has been ALL in his life and ministry. The man has proved God over these years to ascertain that truly God is the inheritance of the Levites (the called ones). All that colleagues of his age / profession can boast of having are not denied him by God: healthy children in good private schools, a good car on the road, a home with large area of land for ministry development, and a submissive wife who manages the family business set up which is a diversification of their professions.
If actually God called you, and men (congregation or church committee) cannot see into that and adequately care for you, look UNTO HIM who called you and let him lead and direct you. Be where He wants you to be, and be occupied with what he called you to do. Even if you are ministering to two people or doing a work that only touches two or three souls, keep on doing that faithfully. He says, “Occupy till I come.” This coming is not that of the end of the world, but He keeps visiting individual servants in their duty posts to reward them accordingly. “Who then is a faithfully and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing”- Matt.24: 45 - 46. Blessed is that minister (servant) who when his Lord comes (to reward) will find him doing those things he is called upon to do
God’s instruction to his people from the time of Old Testament is “take heed to yourself that you do not forsake the Levite as long as you live in your land”–Dent..12:19. You are to care for the Lord’s servants as long as you live on the earth. You are not to be careless about their welfare. Are you in a position in your church where you can decide on the minister’s welfare? How do you do that? What do you think is too much for the man of God when actually he is not going home with all the tithes and offering? Remember that as you care for your family from your business or salary, the man of God must also take care of his family from that which you are putting unto his hand. Is it justifiable?
“Do you not know that those who minister the holy things eat of the things of the temple, and those who serve at the altar partakes of the offerings of the altar? Even so the Lord had commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel”- ICor.9: 13 -14.
What of your personal care for the man of God? Do you have a Levite in your life which you care for regularly? Even him that feeds you with God’s word, do you care for him out your supplies? God is watching you.
Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “if we have sown spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we reap your material things?” – ICor. 9:11. That is God’s standard. As long as the men of God continue in their daily duty before God to men, men must also see to their welfare. You must perform the doing of their caring and not put it off until other day:
“But now you also must complete the doing of it, that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have”- II Cor.8: 11NKJV.
“So now finish doing it, that your (enthusiastic) readiness in desiring it may be equaled by your completion of it according to your ability and means” AMP.
echariah, a priest, and Elizabeth his wife were both well advanced in years without any child. They were righteous before God and they walked in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless (Luke 1:57). By the mercy of God, they gave birth to their only son, John; also called John the Baptist. He was dedicated to God for service even from his mother’s womb. The parents gave up the boy for God’s service. Their only son was not pampered but allowed to grow and live for the Lord. He became strong in the Spirit, and was in the desert till the day of his manifestation to Israel. (Luke 1:80). He lived to start his ministerial work in the desert. The only son of an aged priest lived in the desert for the sake of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. John did not enjoy living sumptuously as the only child of an high priest. The parents saw the hand of God upon his life, and they gave him up to serve God.
Early in his ministerial life, he preached against King Herod and was beheaded! He was killed for preaching righteousness. His ministry was abruptly terminated. John fulfilled God’s purpose concerning his life anyway: he was sent to present Christ - “to prepare the way of the LORD” - Luke 3:4.
How are you handling your Children for the Lord? Were they given to you so that you can make them become what you want or what God wanted of them? If the only son of two aged parents could not be restricted from serving the Lord, why would at least one of your children not be encouraged to serve the Lord as His servant (minister)? Can God not use any of the children He has given you as a Priest in this end time? If all you could think of your children is that they become Lawyers, Doctors, etc then you are missing it. It is not a sin to be parent to a minister of the Gospel. Are you saying what if God has not called any of them? Live a life that is blameless before God to be able to teach your children the way of the Lord. Then allow them to be led of God while you also listen to God on their behaves. God needs to raise priests from every home in this end time.
eturn to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you” - Luke 8:39. “And her parents were astonished but He charged them to tell
no one what had happened”- Luke 8:56.
On several occasions, Jesus instructed the people not to tell anyone about the miracle he performed. On some occasions, He instructed the beneficiaries of such miracles to tell what great things God has done.
In the case of the “tell no one”, the miracle of rising up the dead was performed on a daughter of certain parents. The parents were not to tell anyone. But in the case of “return to your house and tell…” a matured man was delivered from demonic afflictions. He was of age, he supposed to go about and tell what great things God has done for him. In the other case his daughter might not be of age to tell by herself yet, the parents were forbidden to tell or proclaim the victorious news.
When are you supposed to tell, and not to tell God’s great work in your life? Anyone who is of age is liable to tell what God has done: your salvation experience, your healing victory etc are to be spoken to people as testimonies of God’s great work in your life. You are not to be silent. God’s work must be proclaimed by you as a testimony to the unsaved. May be one or two people will be converted – “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…”- Rev. 12: 11.
ell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fails, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys” – Luke 12:23
In several places in the scriptures, Jesus told his disciples or individual that came to him for counsel to “go sell what you have …”
By selling all and following Jesus, we are laying our earthly treasures in our heavenly account. He is also teaching us to know that all that we call “our own” here on earth are not really ours. God owns them all, and they are to be given back to Him in different forms He wishes.
Job said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD”- Job 1:21
None of us own anything; we came into the world naked. Jesus always declares: “Sell all you have and give to the poor… ”- Luke 18: 22. That means, distribute those resources at your disposal to the less privileged. It may be through the gospel outreaches to reach people that are poor in Spirit (meeting spiritual needs) or through kind gesture to meet physical needs of people in divers ways. What Jesus is saying is just that there is obligation to be met by the resources that heaven endowed you with as possessions. By this, we would lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven and our minds would be settled on things of heaven and not on perishable things of this world.
It will also afford you opportunity to be rich towards God. Those who lay up treasure for themselves on earth are not rich towards God. Jesus made it clear that “Whoever of you that does not forsake all that he has cannot be my disciple”-Luke 14:33.
To forsake means to abandon, to give up entirely for the sake of the gospel of Christ. All that you have! Peter told Jesus: “see we have left all and follow you”. Jesus assured Peter and whosoever that do likewise: “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left home or parent or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life” - Luke 18: 28-30.
o I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf to the land, that I should not destroy it…”
- Ezekiel 22:30.
From generation to generation, God always seek for “a man” to stand for Him and bear His message to His people. The message can be in different form, but the most important is that God want to ensure that man (or woman) is standing for Him. No generation has passed without a man or woman standing for God. Abel, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, Deborah, Ruth, David, e.t.c stood and excelled for God in divers ways in their generations. Even after Jesus ascended to heaven we read of Peter and other disciples standing for God.
It is now the turn of this generation: WHO WILL STAND FOR GOD in our different strata of life? In the Academics, in Medicine, in the Law pursuit, in the Economic sector, in Politics and even on the Pulpit? God is always looking for a man to stand on His behalf amidst corrupted spheres of life on which we find ourselves. We are not to be taken out of the corrupted places according to the prayer of Jesus. “I do not pray that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil one” - John 17:15.
God’s design is that we stay within the corrupted world system, but we must not be part of the corruption going on. The light of Christ in us must overcome the darkness (corruption) of the world. The light in us must enlighten the works of the darkness. We are to be kept and sanctified by the word of God, which is the truth. That truth should be our life. It is such a one that will stand for God amidst corrupted system that God is looking for. One who will not be contaminated with the corrupted system. One who will shine as light in the darkness and give savor to the decaying worldly system. You are to stay where circumstance or Education or Business etc has caged you. Do not run out but only be one that will say to God always: Here am I, God send me or use me (Isaiah 6: 8) ···
nd you shall assign to each man by name the items he must carry” - Num.4: 32
The work of God is not for a single individual to carry. God called several people into His service. The Levites are in three groups: the Kohathites, the Merarites and the Geshonites. The functions of each group differ from the others. Even within a group, each man has an assignment to shoulder. No one dabbles into any function simply because such a role falls within the scope of his clan. They had to follow God’s principle.
Today, a single man, (the G.O or what have you) will want to function in all areas of ministry: prophetic, as an evangelist, as a teacher, etc with all the attached ministrations. He will still want to operate on other ministry area like publications, missionary outreaches, running of Bible school, etc. Our problem these days is that we don’t see into what God wants of us; we are only out to venture into God’s work in our own ability. As we see a gift manifesting, we quickly turn that into a ministry: ministry of healing, of deliverance, etc. Each individual in the body of Christ has an assignment to carry out. God’s work is not for a single individual. We are all building materials for different function in the building of God’s home (work). No one single material can be cement, sand and water at the same time. Be, and serve in the capacity God wants you to serve. Stay in that capacity.
Your comments for possible publication will inspire us to do more. Let us hear from you what the Lord is doing through our efforts.
hen King Solomon raised up a labor force out of all Israel; and the labor force was thirty thousand men. And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month
in shifts: they were one month in Lebanon and two months at home...”
- I king 5:13-14
Thirty thousand men were sent out in three groups of ten thousand each to spend one month away from home, from wives and children and return back to be with their family for a period of two months before they went out again.
We did not read from the scripture that those men came back with sexual diseases or with idol, wives or more children. They were men of integrity. They did their assignment very well and kept their integrity intact.
What about men of today that are sent out for various special duties away from wives? What do they come back with? Such men could have been the sources of HIV and AIDs into this nation. If we make enquiries we might find out broken homes, multiplication of wives, fatherless children etc with those that were sent out on various assignments away from their spouses.
What type of person are you on God’s assignment in this world? There is no one without a God given assignment; heaven is watching over you to see what type of record you will have.
herefore Adoni-zedek king of Jerusalem sent to Hoham king of Hebron, Piram king of Jarmuth, Japhia king of Lachish, and Debir king of Edom, saying come up to me and help me, that we may attack Gibeon, for it has made peace with Joshua and with the children of Israel. Therefore the five kings of Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon gathered together and went up, they and all their armies, and camped before Gibeon and made war against it. . . . so the LORD routed them before Israel, killed them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, chased them along the road that goes to Beth Horon, and struck them down as far as Azekah and Makkedah. And it happened, as they fled before Israel and were on the descent of Beth Horon, that the Lord cast down large hailstone from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died. There were more who died from hailstone than the children of Israel kill with the sword”- Joshua10:3-5, 10-16.
At another time, some other kings gathered together with “their armies with them, as many people as the sand that is on the seashore in multitude, with very many horses and chariots . . . to fight against Israel”-Joshua 11:14-6. The bible recoded that “the Lord deliver them into the hand of Israel, who defeated and attack them until they left none of them remaining”- Joshua 11:8-9.
We did not read from the scripture that Israel fought with chariot of horses at those times; they only used sword to kill. Even with their swords, we read that “There were more who died from the hailstone than the children of Israel kill with the sword” -Joshua 10:11b. The Lord of Israel fought for Israel. God that fought for Israel is still our God and he still fights. Not by weapon of war, but by the power of God can we prevail over physical and spiritual battles.
Relax God will fight for you without any weapon. Not even with your weapon of the word of mouth or your negative attitude but by His unseen heavenly forces. Let God fight for you. Even in those days “there was no blacksmith to be found throughout all the land of Israel” and they had not been able to make sword or spear. They had to get to the land of the Philistines to sharpen implement like axe, mattock and sickle. The bible recorded that on the day of battle with the philistine, there where neither sword nor spear found in the hand of the people. But they were found with Saul and Jonathan his son – I Samuel 13: 19-22
One of the ways God fought for his people in such a battle was to cause confusion in the camp of the enemy so much that each man’s sword was against his neighbor(I Samuel 13:20).
Goliath of great status went to battle with Israel and guided himself with his military attires and instruments of war. But David went to the same battle in the name of the Lord of host. David concluded: for “the LORD does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD’S”- I Samuel 17:47.
Despite all that Goliath puts on, David prevailed over him with a sling and a stone without a sword. GOD STILL FIGHT FOR MEN.
young girl from the land of Israel who waited on Naaman’s wife was inspired to send message of deliverance to Naaman: “If only my master were with the prophet who was in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy”- II king 5:3. The man acted on the word of the slave girl. He got through and received his miracle.
At a time when David was out of Israel because of Saul’s threat, he settled in Ziklag with his men of war and household. David went out on a mission for three days with his mighty men and they came back to see that all they had left behind were carried away by the Amalakites, and Ziklag bunt with fire. As David and his men pursued the Amalakites to recover their wives, children and all that they had, a dying Egyptian slave was seen on their way and David took care of him with necessary food and drinks so that he revived. The young man assisted David and his men to get to the raiders camp for the recovery of all that were taken away from Ziklag. The dying young man, who his master threw away without hope of reviving, became an instrument of God to assist David recover all that the enemy took away. David did not despise the boy, but took care of him. The boy became an instrument for David’s deliverance.
Paul’s life would have been cut shut by over forty men who formed conspiracy to kill him. A young boy heard of the plot and told Paul. He was transferred out of the place, that same night. His life was saved.
I read of a 76- years old woman whose request to teach a Sunday school class was turned down by her pastor. She started a one-to-one talk with some students and by so doing, won several of them to the Lord. At her burial service, about 70 of those students stood to testify how God had used the old woman for their lives.
No one is to be despised. You don’t know the person the Lord might have sent to your way to be an agent of your salvation, deliverance, safety or blessing. Do not despise any one. Esteem every man, woman, or child highly for such may be your link to greatness.
ehold, I am coming quickly hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown”- Rev.3:11.
Mrs. Potiphar unknowingly tried to take away the crown of righteousness and glory that was upon Joseph. But Joseph refused to do away with God’s endowment upon his life. He fled to preserve God’s inheritance; he was able to make it at last. He became what God intended of him.
Gehazi lost such glory and splendor over his own life by taken unauthorized gift from Naaman. A man in position of honor that could not hold fast what he had. He lost his prophetic position and inherited leprosy.
King David almost lost that crown when he went into Bathsheba, the wife of another man. But because he acknowledged his sin before God, unlike other unrepentant kings, he was restored to receive his crown of righteousness. He suffered for his act of immorality, but God had mercy on him. It is better you don’t taste that which will dishonor you before God. You may not have a time of repentance!
Esau could not hold fast what he had (his birthright entitlements). He sold it out for a morsel of bread. when he could not control his appetite. He lost it all and wept bitterly to recover the blessing but was rejected.
“Hold fast what you have . . .” The right standing with God that you already have; the salvation experience that you already have; etc Hold it with fear and trembling that no one may be able to take it away and replace it with something of inferior quality, shame and dishonor.
ave you found honey? Eat only as much as you need, lest you be filled with it and vomit”- Proverbs 25:16.
What new appointment, position, or post have you gotten? Be careful to exercise your authority or power in that position lest you be spewed out (vomited)!
“It is not good to eat much honey; so to seek one's glory is no glory” - Prov. 25:27. Even in that your new position of authority, do not seek your own glory but let God who puts you in that position be glorified in your deeds and life; and He Himself (God) will glorify you.
hristmas is around the corner, there are different occasions people hope to celebrate. Do you celebrate circumstances that surround the birth of Christ (Christmas) or the Christ of Christmas? If Christ is left out of all you do, then you are only celebrating circumstances and not Christ. It is possible to celebrate the birth of a child without the child present at the occasion. But that should not be with Christ. He is the Lord of all. He must be served and worshiped. Do not celebrate His birth in his absence in your life. Celebrate Christmas with a purpose. ···
o not . . . share in other people’s sin; keep yourselves pure” – I Tim 5:22.
In several places in the scriptures we read of the children of Israel murmuring and complaining to God. This action brought defeat and death to them on several occasions. Apostle Paul warned us that we should not “complain as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer”-I Cor. 10:10
We read in several places of the scripture that the mixed multitude among the Israelites are always the origin of certain murmurs: “Now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said: who will give us meat to eat?”- Num. 11:4
Mixed multitudes are the non-Israelites that became Israelites from the day they went out of Egypt: “A mixed multitude went up with them also . . .” - Exo.12:38.They also had sojourners and hired servant as strangers dwelling with them. Remember the Gibeonites in Joshua Chapter 10 that lied to dwell with the Israelite so as not to be destroyed. So also, many other tribes might have joined themselves with them in their wilderness wandering and settlements. Whenever occasions arises - no food, water or meat - that these strangers encounters, they do go into complaining (murmuring). This is because they do not understand how the God of Israel can deliver or get through with His people, so they resulted into murmuring. And before long the Israelite Indeed, who supposes to teach and tell them about the God of all situations, join them in their sin of murmuring. And so God do destroy them together. Those who you walk, live or associate with, who do not know God, can go on complaining about one thing or the other. Should you join them in their blindness toward God’s dealing? Must you complain about your job, spouse, children, house, etc as your colleagues do? Even if they are Christian, are you all on the same level of faith and understanding of God’s dealing? Must you join them to sin in one way or the other? Can’t you prove to them that such a situation can be taken care of by God? Why not you infect them with your faith, and not allow them to infect you with their faithlessness toward God? You are the light of the world. Darkness must not dim your light. You are the light that supposes to illuminate the darkness of the world. Don’t copy the world; do not follow the multitude to sin.
“Do not be partaker of other men’s sins; keep yourselves pure”.
“Take no part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure”-Good News
“Don't participate in the sins of others. Keep yourself morally pure”- God’s Word.
Watch out!
Your comments for possible publication will inspire us to do more. Let us hear from you what the Lord is doing through our efforts.
Charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching. For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables. But you be sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry”- II Tim 4:1-5 WEB
The bible expressly tell us that we shall come to a time when people of this world will no
longer endure sound doctrine because they will develop itching ears and will want to hear
messages of men that they desire and saw pleasing to their taste from such teachers or
preachers like themselves.
That time is NOW! It has started. It is happening. Men love to hear fables and not sound teachings of God’s word. They love to hear false prophecies and wishful prayers of prosperity from their choice preachers. The time has come when themes of messages revolves around God’s promises for His children to make us live a life of no struggle at all. Teachings to make one believe that all that glitters are gold and that God’s sovereignty on men is to make us live sumptuously riding costly cars, build houses of our taste, wear costly dresses, and shoes, etc because our God is a God of provision, Halleluyah!
We are at a time when preaching of life of waiting and trusting God in times of adversity and wants becomes a hard message to the ears; preaching holiness and righteousness becomes obsolete. But to preach about good things of heaven to be enjoyed here on earth and not touching the sorrow of unrepentant souls in hell are messages that make men stay in churches to the pride of minister in charge. What a deceived and erroneous generation that we are!
The Holy Spirit says “But you be watching all things...” Be at alert in time like this. Do not follow those errors introduced into the pulpits via the hearts of the so called men of God. BE WATCHFUL! Enjoy afflictions even though it may not go well with the body, family and ministry. Endure it. Do the work of an evangelist. Preach the word, the true word of God that men do not want to hear. Be ready to preach it in season (when it is convenient and you are ready and prepared and have the opportunity to do so) and out of season (when it is not convenient, at odd times when people around are hostile and unrepentant). Keep convincing men on the righteousness of God. Keep on rebuking the unfruitful works of darkness among men and women; keep exhorting people to rely and trust only in God and not in men’s accumulation (wealth) and positions. Do all these and more with long suffering and teachings. By this you will be able to fulfill your ministry.
Remember But you … as a called out person among the people of the world. You …a person called and ordained by God to stand for him in this generation to proclaim His word. You … who claimed to be an errand for God… be watchful to preach the word at all times.
“But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine” –Titus 2: 1.
hey made me keeper of the vineyard, but my own vineyard I have not Kept”-Song of Solomon 1: 6
It is not only the pastor that exhorts. There are Elders, Deacons, and Sunday school Teachers in the church that gives instructions as God’s messengers. There can be many more in the church doing one function or the other, even the choir members and those in the drama ministry as to minister to the people. All are keepers of God’s vineyard. But what about your own vineyard: your own very soul before God as you minister to safe other peoples’ souls?
What type of life are you living compare with the messages you pass across to people? How is your relationship with your spouse? Does it worth emulating by the people you minister to or lead? What of your attitude at work or in business? What are people saying about you in relation to your preaching, teaching, singing or leading in the church? What about the life style of your children? How are they coping in the Lord as compared with those you minister unto? Your vineyard must first be kept. That was what Jesus meant when he said “…first remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother’s eye”— Luke 6:42
Your relationship to those close to you in your household stands the basis of your judgment before God. They are your own, your close neighbor, your own vineyard that must be kept by you first. This is your spiritual primary assignment.
o Moses went out … and he gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people and placed them around the tabernacle. Then the Lord came down in the cloud … and it happened when the Spirit rested upon them, that they prophesied, although they never did so again”- Numb 11: 24-25.
The seventy elder of Israel chosen by Moses according to God’s order prophesied when the spirit of God rested on them on that special occasion of their commissioning. The bible says they never did so again. Throughout their life of service, they did not prophesy again.
God may allow an action by us for a specific need to be met, or for confirming certain things as in the case of these elders of Israel. The spirit of prophecy came on them for the congregation to see that God himself had chosen and empowered them for the service ahead. It was a unique occurrence in the assembly of Israel. Does that make them to be addressed as Prophets? If it is today, such an opportune elder enlisted among them will put up a title “Prophet so and so’’. Why? Because the spirit of prophecy manifested but once in his / her life. Yea, It was real. May God help us. Let God magnify himself in your life. Enough of blowing your trumpet. Humble yourself before the Lord and He will exalt you in due season.
nd Nadab and Abihu died before the LORD, When they offered strange fire before the LORD…”- Numb. 3:4
Nadab and Abihu were sons of priest Aaron and God appointed them along with their father to make sacrifices before him for the people. There were rules to be followed but I supposed these young priests did not burn according the due order. God, who is not a respecter of persons, answered them by fire.
Most of us at this end time offer strange fire on God’s alters and we are not immediately judged. The mercy of God stands for us to repent from burning strange fires. Any one doing God’s service with iniquities in his / her life burns with strange fire.
A Chorister or Minister, even Sunday school teacher etc that indulges in secret sexual activities or any other type of iniquity and still preach the gospel through songs or messages or do God’s work in one way or the other is burning with strange fire.
Services of God that is being rendered with iniquities amounts to kindling strange fire on God’s altar. This is rampant in this end time. Assuming each and every one is been consumed just like Nadab and Abihu, Who shall remain? But God’s patience for us is that we repent and serve him with pureness of heart and clean hands.
hen Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, so let the gods do to me and more also, if I do not make your life as one of them by tomorrow about this time; And when he saw that, he arose and ran for his life, and went to Beersheba, which belong to Judah, and left his servant there”- I king 19:2-3.
The servant of Elijah agreed to stay behind after he heard of Jezebel’s threat to kill Elijah. That servant could not see saving power of God of Elijah, he feared his own life as well, so he stayed behind in Beersheba and did not follow his master into the wilderness to surfer. That servant’s name was not mentioned, and that was the only record he had in the scripture. His ministry with his master was terminated at that point. He was not referred to again. He was no more qualified to carry on fulfilling the ministry of his master, Elijah. Jesus said, “For whoever deserves to save his life (prevent his life from seen and unseen disaster for the sake of the kingdom of God) will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will safe it”- Luke 9;24. This unnamed servant saved his life from the impending doom of Jezebel toward his master and he himself lost his life and his ministry in God’s record; while his master Elijah was saved and secured by God.
Another type of servant was Elisha who left all he had had including 12 yokes of oxen (equivalent to twelve tractor implements of today) to follow Elijah and be powering water into his hands. He was told to stay back when Elijah was about to be taken to heaven. Elisha refused to stay back but follow his master wherever he went. He also endured the jest of the remaining sons of the prophets and ignored them. This enabled him to receive the double portion of his master’s anointing. Anointing is what we all cry for today, but how many of us can abide under our leadership / mentor or discipler as long as God want us to?
Gehazi was another type of servant who sees nothing but wealth making in the ministry. All he had in mind as he followed his master was how to make wealth. Many Gehazis abound today in ministries. All they are thinking is how to make accumulation of perishable worldly things in the ministry. To be above their mentors (if they actually have one). They are not contended with little and are not ready to be patient and wait for God’s appointed time. They can do any thing to make sure that the innocent man / woman that come for prayer give something in return. Remember, the leprosy of Naman clanged to Gehazi and his household for life. Only God will intervene for the problem of such innocent ones not to cling unto Gehazis of our time.
What type of servant are you?
n the first book of the Kings chapter 19, Elisha was chosen by God’s leading of Elijah. We no longer read about Elisha again until Elijah was about to be taken up in the second chapter of the second book of the Kings.
What was Elisha doing after he was called to followed Elijah and where was he? We read in II king 3:16 that he was pouring water into the hands of Elijah. Elisha followed Elijah and learnt from him. He went with his master every where the man of God went and was obedient unto him. He learnt from him and waited on his ministry of servant hood until his time came to be made manifest. He did not force his way to the top and was not heard in those years when his master was in position. We began to hear about him at the time when God was about to terminate the ministry of his master. He inherited the double portion of his master anointing because he patiently waited in leaning and following.
What about you: do you wait to be discipled? Do not be in a hurry to be known everywhere. Learn from Elisha to be a servant indeed.
s it time to receive money and to receive clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male and female servants? II king 5: 26.
Gehazi went after Naaman to collect reward for the miracle of healing (deliverance) performed through his master, Elisha. The man of God refused to collect any gift from Naaman. This made Naaman believed and trusts the God of Israel; and the man vowed to serve that God (II king 5:17).
But Gehazi could not allow this receiver of God’s grace of healing to go freely. He summoned courage and went after him to collect two talents of silver and two changes of garments out of the abundance that the man brought. By so doing he collected the leprosy of Naaman unknowingly!
The grace of God upon your life, how do you sell it? Must you expect to receive rewards of your prayers of ministration from those you pray for? Be careful of covetousness as not to receive “leprosy” of those people upon your life and your family. It can affect your future generation as well.
Once again be careful!
y faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gift; and through it he being dead still speaks” – Heb. 11:4.
In Genesis 4:4 we read that “Abel brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering”. This brought jealousy from Cain who offered God a thoughtless and careless offering. Abel was killed for that act of his giving God a choice of bountiful offering. He was dead, but yet, his action of giving to God a wholesome offering still speaks to us today. Even at that time, his offerings to God “was testified of him that he was righteous – [that is,] that he was upright and in right standing with God . . .” – Heb. 11:4
If the offering of Abel of thousands years ago keeps on speaking, what is your offering of today saying? If a long ago dead man’s offering is still speaking to us today of generous giving and of faith, what is your own offering or tithe (as a living man / woman) saying about you to others?
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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